DSpace-CRIS 7
- review articleNordost-Archiv : Zeitschrift für Regionalgeschichte, 2025, vol. 34, p. 214-215
- review articleNordost-Archiv : Zeitschrift für Regionalgeschichte, 2025, vol. 34, p. 229-232
Publication Veidrodiniai gyvenimo vandenyno atspindžiairesearch articleDurys : kultūros ir meno žurnalas, 2025, no. 1 (133), p. 11-15Publication Vasaros dienaresearch articleDurys : kultūros ir meno žurnalas, 2024, no. 11 (131), p. 4-9Naujausią Klaipėdos jaunimo teatro (KJT) spektaklį „Vasaros diena“ pagal žymaus lenkų rašytojo, dramaturgo, karikatūrų dailininko Sławomiro Mroźeko (1930–2013) pjesę lapkričio 12-ąją pamatė Klaipėdos žiūrovai. Premjera įvyko pavasarį Kuliuose. Šis spektaklis rudenį vykusiame jubiliejiniame XV Dalios Tamulevičiūtės profesionalių teatrų festivalyje Varėnoje buvo nominuotas net penkiose kategorijose, laimėti trys apdovanojimai: geriausiu aktoriumi tapo Aurimas Bareikis, geriausiu režisieriumi – Paulius Pinigis, o festivalio perspektyvos kategorijoje taip pat nugalėjo KJT spektaklio „Vasaros diena“ aktorių ansamblis.
Publication „Bildukas“: kai idėja tampa kūnuresearch articleDurys : kultūros ir meno žurnalas, 2024, no. 10 (130), p. 12-16Sukurti įtaigų spektaklį šių dienų vaikams, ypač paaugliams, pertekusiems įvairių įspūdžių, žaislų, daiktų, informacijos, naujausių technologijų, – užduotis tikrai ne iš lengvųjų. Todėl sveikintina jaunų aktorių Samantos Pinaitytės ir Karolio Maiskio iniciatyva Klaipėdos dramos teatre pastatyti spektaklį „Bildukas“ būtent šiai žiūrovų amžiaus kategorijai.
- research articleLancet. London : The Lancet Publishing Group, 2003, vol. 362, iss. 9386., p. 782-788
Background. Treatment with angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors reduces the rate of cardiovascular events among patients with left-ventricular dysfunction and those at high risk of such events. We assessed whether the ACE inhibitor perindopril reduced cardiovascular risk in a low-risk population with stable coronary heart disease and no apparent heart failure. Methods We recruited patients from October, 1997, to June, 2000. 13 655 patients were registered with previous myocardial infarction (64%), angiographic evidence of coronary artery disease (61%), coronary revascularisation (55%), or a positive stress test only (5%). After a run-in period of 4 weeks, in which all patients received perindopril, 12 218 patients were randomly assigned perindopril 8 mg once daily (n=6110), or matching placebo (n=6108). The mean follow-up was 4.2 years, and the primary endpoint was cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or cardiac arrest. Analysis was by intention to treat...
56Scopus© Citations 2119 - research articleFronties in ecology and the environment. Hoboken : Wiley, 2010, vol. 8, iss. 3, p. 135-144
Recent comprehensive data provided through the DAISIE project (www.europe-aliens.org) have facilitated the development of the first pan-European assessment of the impacts of alien plants, vertebrates, and invertebrates – in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine environments – on ecosystem services. There are 1094 species with documented ecological impacts and 1347 with economic impacts. The two taxonomic groups with the most species causing impacts are terrestrial invertebrates and terrestrial plants. The North Sea is the maritime region that suffers the most impacts. Across taxa and regions, ecological and economic impacts are highly correlated. Terrestrial invertebrates create greater economic impacts than ecological impacts, while the reverse is true for terrestrial plants. Alien species from all taxonomic groups affect “supporting”, “provisioning”, “regulating”, and “cultural” services and interfere with human well-being. Terrestrial vertebrates are responsible for the greatest range of impacts, and these are widely distributed across Europe. Here, we present a review of the financial costs, as the first step toward calculating an estimate of the economic consequences of alien species in Europe.
13Scopus© Citations 919 Publication Grasping at the routes of biological invasions: a framework for integrating pathways into policyresearch articleJournal of applied ecology, 2008, vol. 45, no. 2, p. 403-4141 Pathways describe the processes that result in the introduction of alien species from one location to another. A framework is proposed to facilitate the comparative analysis of invasion pathways by a wide range of taxa in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Comparisons with a range of data helped identify existing gaps in current knowledge of pathways and highlight the limitations of existing legislation to manage introductions of alien species. The scheme aims for universality but uses the European Union as a case study for the regulatory perspectives. 2 Alien species may arrive and enter a new region through three broad mechanisms: importation of a commodity, arrival of a transport vector, and/or natural spread from a neighbouring region where the species is itself alien. These three mechanisms result in six principal pathways: release, escape, contaminant, stowaway, corridor and unaided. 3 Alien species transported as commodities may be introduced as a deliberate release or as an escape from captivity. Many species are not intentionally transported but arrive as a contaminant of a commodity, for example pathogens and pests. Stowaways are directly associated with human transport but arrive independently of a specific commodity, for example organisms transported in ballast water, cargo and airfreight. The corridor pathway highlights the role transport infrastructures play in the introduction of alien species. The unaided pathway describes situations where natural spread results in alien species arriving into a new region from a donor region where it is also alien. 4 Vertebrate pathways tend to be characterized as deliberate releases, invertebrates as contaminants and plants as escapes. Pathogenic micro-organisms and fungi are generally introduced as contaminants of their hosts. The corridor and unaided pathways are often ignored in pathway assessments but warrant further detailed consideration. 5 Synthesis and applications. Intentional releases and escapes should be straightforward to monitor and regulate but, in practice, developing legislation has proved difficult. New introductions continue to occur through contaminant, stowaway, corridor and unaided pathways. These pathways represent special challenges for management and legislation. The present framework should enable these trends to be monitored more clearly and hopefully lead to the development of appropriate regulations or codes of practice to stem the number of future introductions.
17Scopus© Citations 824 Publication Disentangling the role of environmental and human pressures on biological invasions across Europeresearch article