Jūrinio kuro nusierinimo tyrimas naudojant pažangius oksidacijos metodus
Jokubauskis, Marijus |
Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman | |
Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member | |
Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member | |
Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member | |
Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Atsižvelgiant į jūrinio transporto suvartojamo kuro kiekį, nuo kurio tiesiogiai priklauso oro taršos iš laivų intensyvumas, jau dabar laivynas kelia didelę grėsmę aplinkai. Todėl yra reikalinga mažinti sieros kiekį degaluose. Šiai dienai reikalinga degalus nusierinti arba kitaip mažinti sieros kiekį. Darbe buvo naudojami keli oksidacijos procesai norint nusierinti sierą. I oksidacija buvo naudojant vandenilio peroksidą o II oksidacija naudojant aparatą kuri pučia orą. Pasitelkėme tris katalizatorius, tokius kaip geležies sulftas, kalio chromatas ir stibio chloridas. Geriausi rezultatai gauti naudojant I oksidaciją ir geriausi duomenys buvo su stibio chloridu sieros kiekis sumažėjo 60%.
Given the fuel consumption of maritime transport, on which the intensity of air pollution from ships directly depends, the fleet already poses a significant threat to the environment. In previous years, the most commonly used marine fuel was heavy fuel oil (HFO). If we want to have clean fuel, we need to desulfurize it. Recently, many researches and partical works in developing a range of heavy fuel oil desulphurization technologiees have been done. In order to obtain a low sulfur content in the fuel, it is to use different oxidants such as, ozone, oxygen, hydrogen permaganate. also using different catalysts Mo, Ni, Co. Hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid help the most in the desulphurisation process. The main goal of the work is how the sulfur content will change using different catalysts, how the sulfur content will react to the changing temperature and time. Also using a magnetic stirrer. In the experiment we blended marine diesel with fuel oil in different ratios of 50:50 70:30 and 60:40. We used different catalysts such as ferrous sulfate, potassium chromate, antimony chloride. We used two oxidations, the first oxidation differs from the second only in that we used hydrogen peroxide in the first and blown air in the second. The best results were obtained with I oxidation. The best catalyst is antimony chloride and the sulfur content is reduced from the base by about 60%.