Žaidimų terapijos taikymas ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų emocinės sveikatos ugdymui(si): ugdomojo projekto rezultatai
Author(s) | ||||
LT | ||||
Jakovenko, Renata | LT | Klaipėdos lopšelis-darželis „Berželis“ | LT |
Date Issued | Issue | Start Page | End Page |
2023-04-18 | 2 (40) | 157 | 168 |
Iki mokyklos vaikas turi pasiekti optimalią fizinę, emocinę, socialinę ir pažinimo brandą, todėl emocinės sveikatos pamatai turi būti dedami jau ikimokykliniame amžiuje. Keliamas tyrimo tikslas – ištirti žaidimų terapijos taikymo galimybes ugdant vaikų emocinę sveikatą ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje. Taikyti tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė, ugdomasis projektas, vaikų elgsenos stebėjimas, kokybinė duomenų analizė. Ugdomajame projekte dalyvavo 19 Klaipėdos m. X l/d ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų. Nustatyta, kad 5–6 metų vaikų gebėjimas kontroliuoti ir valdyti savo elgesį, emocijas žaidžiant pakito iš esmės. Žaidybinės veiklos pradžioje vaikai sunkiai galėjo susitvarkyti su iškilusiais sunkumais atliekant tam tikras užduotis. Išryškėjo individualūs vaikų ir lyties skirtumai. Projektui įpusėjus, jie išmoko spręsti konfliktus, prisitaikyti prie situacijos, bendrauti ir bendradarbiauti. Pastebėta, kad susilpnėjo liūdesio, baimės ir nerimo emocijos. Empirinio tyrimo rezultatai leido išryškinti žaidimų terapijos taikymo ypatumus ir galimybes ugdant vaikų emocinę sveikatą ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje.
Game therapy has been increasingly applied recently in the educational process, as a pedagogical aid and as a way of developing the emotional skills of preschool children. The scientific question of the application of game therapy in the development of emotional balance in preschool children is raised. The aim of the study is to investigate the potential of the application of game therapy in the development of children’s emotional health in preschool educational institutions. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature and documents, educational project, observation of children’s emotional expression and behaviour, qualitative data analysis. For the empirical study, a qualitative research strategy was used, such as an educational project and the observation of children’s emotional expression and behaviour. A total of 19 preschool children aged five to six years, 11 boys and eight girls, from preschool kindergarten X in Klaipėda, took part in the educational project ‘The Application of Game Therapy for the Development of the Emotional Health of Preschool Children’. The subjects were selected by purposive sampling, according to the following criteria: age of the children; level of the child’s emotional abilities; gender. The project took place in January and February 2022. The project was implemented through a schedule of ten sessions. The educational project monitored the emotional expression and behaviour of preschool children. A protocol for children’s emotional expression and behaviour was developed to record the data. The data were analysed using qualitative research data analysis. At the beginning of the project, some children were prone to conflict, reluctant to do the tasks and to follow the rules of the game. Individual differences in children’s expression and experience of emotions emerged: some felt more fear, sadness or anger; others more curiosity or joy. Gender differences emerged: at the beginning of the educational project, girls were more aware of their feelings and their state of mind, they were able to evaluate themselves, and they were more positive. The boys were more tense and constrained at the beginning of the project, and reluctant to talk about their feelings. Mid-way through the project, the children learned to resolve conflicts, adapt to the situation, communicate, and cooperate. Observations showed that during a time of anger, most children learned to control their feelings, identify appropriate and inappropriate behaviour and emotions in different situations, and understand how the other child was feeling. Children’s feelings of sadness, fear and anxiety were seen to weaken. Challenges and limitations of the study. The limitation of the study was that the educational project and the observation of children’s emotional expression and behaviour were carried out in one preschool institution in Klaipėda, so the results of the study cannot be applied to the whole general set.