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Researcher Baranauskienė, IngridaSome of the metrics are blocked by yourNegalios studijos; Disability studiesconsent settings629 17 Researcher Dvorak, JaroslavSome of the metrics are blocked by yourviešasis administravimas, geroji valdysena, NVO, korupcija ir jos prevencija, saugumas ir gynyba, ES institucijos ir politika; public administration, good governance, NGO, corruption and it prevention, security and defence, EU institution and politicsconsent settings573 96 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourStatistics; Big data analytics; Statistika; Didžiųjų duomenų analizė; Spatial statistics; Erdvinė statistikaconsent settings
429 42 Researcher Laurėnas, VaidutisSome of the metrics are blocked by yourdemokratijos tyrimai, postkomunizmo politinė sociologija, politikos teorija, žinių vadybaconsent settings401 103 Researcher Razbadauskas, ArtūrasSome of the metrics are blocked by yourSlauga; Nursingconsent settings392 182
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- Some of the metrics are blocked by yourAnglų kalbos sintaksė / English syntax; Sociolingvistika / Sociolinguistics; Diskurso analizė / Discourse analysisconsent settings
382 482 Researcher Razbadauskas, ArtūrasSome of the metrics are blocked by yourSlauga; Nursingconsent settings392 182 Researcher Lebedevas, SergejusDarbuotojas / Employee
„Transporto inžinerija“ 03T tarptautinė jungtinė VGTU – ASU – KU doktorantūra:; Mokslo komiteto narys; KU doktorantūros kuratorius/; Transport engineering 03T international joint VGTU-ASU-KU PhD studies programme:; Member of scientific committee; curator of KU doctoral studiesSome of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings160 116 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourŽalioji ekonomika, mėlynoji ekonomika, tvarumas, įmonių socialinė atsakomybė, regionų plėtra; Green economy, blue economy, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, regional developmentconsent settings
220 111 Researcher Laurėnas, VaidutisSome of the metrics are blocked by yourdemokratijos tyrimai, postkomunizmo politinė sociologija, politikos teorija, žinių vadybaconsent settings401 103
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- Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
12 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
13 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
51 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings