Strakšienė, Giedrė
Main Affiliation | Count |
14 |
Giedre Straksiene, Researcher (0,5), Centre for Studies of Social Change, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, KLAIPEDA UNIVERSITY.
Place and date of birth: 1966, Vilnius, Lithuania
ACQUIRED PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION, ACADEMIC DEGREE 2013, PhD degree, Social Sciences, Education (S 007) KU. 2001, Master in Theatre Studies, KU. 1993, Teacher of Lithuanian language, literature and Stage director of school theatre, KU.
2020-2022 Western Norway University of Applied Sciences,
Faculty of Education, Art and Culture, Postdoc Researcher.
2013 unti now Klaipeda University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Center for Study of Social Changes, Researcher.
Giedre Straksiene1, Oded Ben-Horin2, Magne Ingolv Espeland3. Towards a rationale for science-art integration as a transdisciplinary signature pedagogy. Cogent Education, Volume 9, 2022 - Issue 1
Giedre Straksiene. Reflections on drama`s transdisciplinary in education and posthumanism. Conference proceedings. The Future of Education 2022, Florence, Italy.
Giedre Straksiene1, Oded Ben-Horin2, Magne Ingolv Espeland3, Kari Mette Holdhus3 Contours of science-art education: pedagogical principles of art in science teaching - lessons from the Global Science Opera. Conference proceedings. The Future of Education 2021, Florence, Italy.
Strakšienė, Giedrė; Ruginė, Henrika; Šaltytė-Vaisiauskė, Laura. Characteristics of distance work organization in SMEs during the COVID-19 lockdown: case of western Lithuania region. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues; Vilnius Vol. 8, Iss. 3, (Mar 2021): 210-225. DOI:10.9770/jesi.2021.8.3(12)
Straksiene G., Batuchina A., An International Comparison of Youth (Aged 16 to 19 in the Southern Baltic Region: The Situation in Schools // Regional Formation and development studies: Journal of Social Sciences. Klaipeda, ISSN 2059-9571. No. 1 (30) (2020), p. 98-111.
Batuchina A., Straksiene G. Phenomenological Perspective in Researching Immigrant Children’s Experience. International Journal of Science Annals, Volume 2, № 1 (2019), Print: ISSN 2617-2682, Online: ISSN 2707-3637; DOI: 10. 26697/ijsa, pp 26-32.,ijsa_No_1-2,_2019-4.pdf
Straksiene G. Teachers‘ Attitude towards Theatrical Laboratories and Experiential Learning: Lithuanian Case// International Conference Innovation in Language Learning: 12 th Edition: Florence, Italy, 14-15 November, 2019, Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2384-9509, pp 512-520.
Straksiene G., Z. R. Gasiunaite. A Phenomenological Case study Exploring Different Perspectives on Science Communication through Art// International Journal of Social Science and Humanities, IJSSH 2018 Vol 8(7):214-219 ISSN:2010-3646; doi:10.18178/ijssh.2018.V8.963, pp 214-219.
Straksiene G. The Assessment of Social Capacities of Communicative Competence of Primary School Age Children // International conference the Future of Education: 8th Edition: Florence, Italy, June 28-29, 2018, Conference Proccedings.
Straksiene G. The Survey of Youth Aged 16-19 in the Klaipeda Municipality: Living Conditions and Future // Regional Formation and development studies : Journal of Social Sciences. Klaipėda, ISSN 2059-9571. No. 2 (25) (2018), p. 65-78.
Straksiene G., Batuchina A., Ben Horin O. Science and Art: A Phenomenological Approach to Developing a Dialogue in the Educational Context// International conference The Future of Education: 7th Edition: Florence, Italy, June 8-9, 2017, Conference Proccedings:
Kovalevskiene, L., Letinauskiene, I., Straksiene, G. Cruise tourism in the Baltic sea region: Lithuanian case//Journal of Management, 2017, № 2 (31), pp. 71-75. ISSN 1648-7974.
Straksiene, G. Explication of activities in the textbooks on developing of primary school age children’s communicative competence // Pedagogy 2015, t. 119, Nr. 3, p. 82–96. ISSN 1392-0340, E-ISSN 2029-0551.
Straksiene, G. The characteristics of developing the communicative competence of primary school children // Bildungswissenschaften und akademisches Selbstverständnis in einer globalisierten Welt = Education and academic self-concept in the globalized world. Baltische Studien zur Erziehungs - und Sozialwissenschaft, Bd. 28. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2014. ISSN 1434-8748, ISBN 9783631656105. p. 617-636.
Straksiene G. Development of children's communicative competence through drama-activity: attitude of teachers // International Conference New Perspectives in Science Education: 3rd edition : Florence, Italy, March 20-21, 2014: Conference Proceedings. Padova, 2014, ISBN 9788862924696. pp 382-386.'s+communicative+competence+through
Straksiene G. Drama-oriented activities in the process of the development of primary school children's communicative competence // London international conference on education (LICE-2013) : conference proceedings. November 4-6, 2013, London, UK, ISBN 9781908320162. pp 418-423.
Straksiene, G. Development of communicative competence of primary school age children through drama- oriented activities: summary of doctor dissertation: social sciences, education sciences (07 S) / Klaipėda University. Klaipėda: Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 2013. 68 p.
Viederyte, R.; Straksiene, G. Practice of cross border cooperation in apacity building project: ensuring sustainable development // Regional formation and development studies : Journal of Social Sciences. Klaipėda, ISSN 2029-9370. No. 1 (6) (2012), p. 147-160.
Straksiene, G. Characteristics of the development of junior pupils’ communicative competence at primary school // Tiltai. Klaipėda. ISSN 1392-3137. 2011, Nr. 1, p. 123-138.
Olšauskaitė Urbonienė, R.; Strakšienė, G., Lygnugarytė, A. Klaipėdos miesto aukštųjų mokyklų studentų laisvalaikio ypatumai // Management. ISSN 1648-7974. 2011, vol. 19, no 2, p. 23-31.
Girdzijauskienė, R.; Strakšienė, G. Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų nerašytinės kalbinės (lingvistinės) kompetencijos ypatumai // Tiltai. Klaipėda. ISSN 1392-3137. 2011, Nr. 3 (56), p. 253-265.
Straksiene G. Peculiarities of applying acting activities in educational process// Meninis ugdymas Lietuvoje: tyrimų tradicijos ir perspektyva. Conference proceedings. Klaipėda, 2011, ISBN 9789955186038. p. 179-188.
Straksiene, G.; Baziuke, D. [Baziukaite, D.]. Development of Children’s Communicative Competence using Case Method of Technology // Technological Developments in Education and Automation. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 2010, ISBN 9789048136551. p. 253-258.
Straksiene, G.; Baziuke, D. [Baziukaite, D.]. Integration of ICT, Drama, and Language for Development of Children's Communicative Competence: Case Study in a Primary School // Informatics in Education. ISSN 1648-5831. 2009, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 281-294.
Straksiene, G.; Baziuke, D. [Baziukaite, D.]. Development of Children’s Communicative Competence using ITC: Practical Training Example in a Primary School. „The 2009 International Conference on E-Learning, E- Business & E-Government“(EEE’09) Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on E-Learning, E-Business & E-Government (EEE’09). Las Vegas, Nevada, JAV, p. 1 39–144. ISBN 1-60132-100-7.
Knows Language | Spoken | Written |
Anglų / English (en) | Gerai / Good | Gerai / Good |