Djačkov, Vasilij
Main Affiliation | Count |
25 |
Vasilij Djackov born in 1975, in 1997 has received bachelor degree in ship engineering, in 1998 engineer degree in ship engineering, in 2000 master degree in port management and in 2005 PhD degree in technical sciences. Has more than 20 years of practical ship design and building supervision, including creation of innovative new types of vessels, using alternative energy power sources. Has experience in CFD modelling of hydrodynamic processes, with application to practical issues of vessel design and creation of “green” vessel modernization technologies. Has the experience of participation in national and international research projects as an organization project leader. Scientific interests and experience in ship design, marine transport technologies, stability and sea keeping, CFD modelling, autonomous vessels and surface vehicles.
Knows Language | Spoken | Written |
Lietuvių / Lithuanian (lt) | Labai gerai / Very good | Labai gerai / Very good |
Rusų / Russian (ru) | Gimtoji / Native | Gimtoji / Native |
Anglų / English (en) | Labai gerai / Very good | Labai gerai / Very good |
Vokiečių / German (de) | Gerai / Good | Pagrindai / Basics |