Bachelor's Degree | Fall intake

Chemical Engineering (Environment and Energy)


This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to analyse and develop chemical and technological processes in order to come up with new, innovative products. Students will learn how to work in a fast changing chemical industry and to evaluate and choose their own solutions.

Through an interdisciplinary study approach they will learn about cutting-edge research and emerging growth areas in chemical engineering.

The main courses in the curriculum include Process Engineering; Process and Equipment Simulation; Design of Technological Processes; Environmental Technology; and Renewable Energy Sources.

Global issues you will tackle

Chemical engineers will be tasked with finding solutions to future global challenges such as climate change, depletion of natural resources by a growing population, alternative energy sources and similar needs. 


Your study destination


Graduates can interpret natural, climatic and social phenomena and can apply this knowledge in practice while working in various nature protection departments and other environmental protection institutions, or hydrometeorological services.


It's worth to choose us!


Why Klaipeda University?

  • Unique by its scientific research and studies in marine field
  • European Union diploma recognized worldwide
  • Wide range of programmes
  • International studies in English
  • Young and rapidly growing
  • High quality education for a reasonable price

Why Lithuania?

  • A member of European Union
  • 93,4% have a secondary education. The most educated nation in Europe
  • 92% speak foreign language (usually English, Russian or Germany)
  • 94% of foreign students recommend studying in Lithuania