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Qualification awarded

Level of qualification

University studies, First cycle, undergraduate (Bachelor)

Specific admission requirements

Minimum access requirements: Secondary
Minimum access qualification degree:

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning (formal, non-formal and informal)

Study subjects or parts thereof, corresponding to formal and subject requirements of selected study programme, may be included to individuals who graduated, studied or are presently studying at institutions of higher education in Lithuania or other countries, accredited in accordance with Lithuanian higher education curriculum, and who want to continue their studies at the University at the same or inferior cycle or studies of other studies programmes.

Profile of the programme

Graduates of Social Work at KU acquire the skills emphasized in the Dublin Descriptor and the National Descriptor of Social Work Studies: knowledge and values of social work; of their ethical responsibility to clients; of the state and economic systems, the processes of socialization; human rights in the context of social justice; research skills; abilitiy to conduct research and iterpret data, other special, personal and social skills.
, having specialized in
- Social Work in a Community, Specialisation aims to train social workers who master competencies based on values and ethical principles of social work, able to work in a community with groups of social risk. Students will develop abilities to analyse social reality and the nature of social problems, design social programmes, reflectivelly assess social problems, solve these problems through client empowerment; develop competences of critical, analytical interdisciplinary thinking and methodology of social sciences.
- Social Work in Health Care, Specialisation aims to train social workers who master competencies based on values and ethical principles of social work, able to carry out functions of a clinical social worker: empower client to create a new life quality, participate in realisation of efective support strategies; students will acquire abilities to reflectivelly assess social problems in health care, search for solutions to these problems independently and within a team; carry out scientific research.

Key learning outcomes

Knowledge and Its Application

For graduates of Social Work in a Community:
A1Know theories of social, humanitarian and other sciences, are able to critically, systemically analyse them and apply in social work practice and research, are able to utilize said theories to evaluate social reality.
A2Acquire and practically apply knowledge of development of social work profession, national and international social policy, interprofessional cooperation, principles of ethics, human rights and social justice, social development and welfare of society.
A3Are able to analyze and apply in practice and research the newest knowledge of social work theory, methods, social problems and their manifestation in multicultural community.
For graduates of Social Work in Health Care:
A4Know theories of social, humanitarian and other sciences, are able to critically, systemically analyse them and apply in social work practice and research, are able to utilize said theories to evaluate social reality.
A5Acquire and practically apply knowledge of development of social work profession and its links with medicine, national and international social policy, interprofessional cooperation, principles of ethics, human rights and social justice, social development and welfare of society.
A6Are able to analyze and apply in practice and research the newest knowledge of social work theory, methods, social problems and their manifestation in the sphere of personal health.

Research Skills

For graduates of Social Work in a Community:
B1Are able to critically, systematically analyze and apply in practice and research the newest knowledge of different methods of scientific research.
B2Are able to conduct an independent scientific research and interpret its data in the context of social work and social policy.
B3Are able to apply research data to plan solutions of social problems, validate community social programmes, implement inovative social services.
For graduates of Social Work in Health Care:
B4Are able to critically, systematically analyze and apply in practice and research the newest knowledge of different methods of scientific research.
B5Are able to conduct an independent scientific research and interpret its data in the context of social work, social policy and health care.
B6Are able to apply research data to plan solutions of social problems, validate social programmes within health care system, implement inovative social services.

Subject–Specific Skills

For graduates of Social Work in a Community:
C1Are able to critically, systemically analyse models of social policy, explain their influence on reducing social exclusion and protecting human rights; prepare and implement plans, programmes and projects of community social services.
C2Practice the principles of social justice, social responsibility, human rights, social work values and ethics.
C3Are capable to represent client rights and interests, accumulate internal and external resources through effective communication within a community, motivate and empower a client for self-help and changes.
C4Are able to assess the quality of social services and the effectiveness of social work practice, coordinate actions of running social work support in a community.
C5Are capable to recognize and systematically assess the needs and strenghts of a client, plan, run and evaluate the process of social work support utilizing different methods and strategies, creating mutual social worker - client relationship.
For graduates of Social Work in Health Care:
C6Are able to critically, systemically analyse models of social policy, explain their influence on promoting personal health and protecting human rights; prepare and implement plans, programmes and projects of social work support in health care system.
C7Practice the principles of social justice, social responsibility, human rights, social work values and ethics.
C8Are capable to represent client rights and interests, accumulate internal and external resources through effective communication within a health care institution, motivate and empower a client for self-help and changes.
C9Are able to assess the quality of social services and the effectiveness of social work practice, coordinate actions of running social work support in health care.
C10Are capable to recognize and systematically assess the needs and strenghts of a client, plan, run and evaluate the process of social work support utilizing different methods and strategies, creating mutual social worker - client relationship.

Social Skills

For graduates of Social Work in a Community:
D1Are capable to uphold an image of social work, maintain the status of profession, fluently and suggestively express personal opinion orally and in writting in Lithuanian and at least one foreign language.
D2Are able to communicate and cooperate with representatives of different community groups exchanging information necessary for an effective social work process; know how to work in an interdisciplinary team modelling solutions for community social problems, taking social responsibility.
D3Have skills to participate in discussions on various professional issues in professional and interdisciplinary environments, create effective mutual interactions in professional practice taking responsibility for development and enhancement of social work profession.
For graduates of Social Work in Health Care:
D4Are capable to uphold an image of social work, maintain the status of profession, fluently and suggestively express personal opinion orally and in writting in Lithuanian and at least one foreign language.
D5Are able to communicate and cooperate with representatives of different institutions and subdivisions of health care system exchanging information necessary for an effective social work process in health care; know how to work in an interdisciplinary team modelling solutions for social problems in health care, taking social responsibility.
D6Have skills to participate in discussions on various professional issues in professional and interdisciplinary environments, create effective mutual interactions in professional practice taking responsibility for development and enhancement of social work profession.

Personal Skills

For graduates of Social Work in a Community:
E1Are able to find and utilize national and international sources of information, information technologies, appropriately deal with confidential information.
E2Are capable to critically evaluate own and colleagues' professional practice, systematically reflect on personal professional growth, create new ideas, adapt to new situations.
E3Are able to independently make decisions in complex situations, have trust in own self, constantly develop learning skills.
For graduates of Social Work in Health Care:
E4Are able to find and utilize national and international sources of information, information technologies, appropriately deal with confidential information.
E5Are capable to critically evaluate own and colleagues' professional practice, systematically reflect on personal professional growth, create new ideas, adapt to new situations.
E6Are able to independently make decisions in complex situations, have trust in own self, constantly develop learning skills.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

After completing Social Work studies at KU, students will have the following career opportunities: 1. Community social work, social care, and social work in health care system, in educational, legal, and non-governmental organizations; 2. Studies can be continued in the postgraduate degree studies like social work, social pedagogy, public health, public administration, marketing, management, and penitentiary law.

Access to further studies

Access to the second cycle studies

Course structure diagram with credits

1 semester

1Human Rights and Social Work (S000B00E)5
2Introduction to Speciality and Professional Ethics (S000B220)8
3Sociology of Deviant Behaviour (S000B737)5
4Family and Social Environment (S000B068)5
5Introduction to Psychology (S260B046)4
6Elective Study Subject 13

2 semester

1Personality and Social Psychology (S260B048)4
2Lithuanian Social Policy (S000B01F)7
3Social Work Theory and Methods (including practice) (S000B023)7
4Basics of Communication (S000B044)6
5Elective Study Subject 2.13
6Elective Study Subject 2.23

3 semester

1Course Paper 1 (S000B00G)5
2Individual and Group Social Work (S000B00Q)6
3Socio-Cultural Activities in a Community (S000B01A)5
4Basics of Sociology in Social Work (S000B11L)4
5Crisis Psychology (S260B005)4
6Elective Study Subject 36

4 semester

1Social Support in Social Work (S000B073)5
2Practice in NGO (with Supervision) (S000B09N)7
3Existential Therapy in Social Work (S000B219)5
4Social Gerontology (S000B644)5
5Counseling in Social Work (S214B001)5
6Elective Study Subject 43

5 semester

1Mental Health and Care (B650B004)4
2Social Work for People with Disabilities (S000B00R)5
3Psychosociology of Disability (S000B013)5
4Course Paper 2 (S000B237)8
5Practice in Education, Health Care and Probation Institutions (with Supervision) (S000B11H)5
6Elective Study Subject 53

6 semester

1Social Risk Groups and Resocialization (S000B00S)7
2Youth Social Work (S000B239)5
3Practice in Social Work Agencies (with counseling) (S000B11I)8

7 semester

1Social Work with Family (S000B00U)4
2Social Programme Management (S000B326)5
3Independent Work in Practice Placements (with counseling) (S000B11Y)6
4Bachelor Diploma Thesis (S000B176)15

1Social Work with Sexually Abused Children (S000B116)5
2Caritative Social Work (S000B07Q)5
3Social Work with Refugees (S000B00V)5
4Dolphin Assisted Therapy (S216B002)5
5Social Occupational Therapy (S000B740)5

Elective Study Subject 1


Elective Study Subject 2.1


Elective Study Subject 2.2


Elective Study Subject 3


Elective Study Subject 4


Elective Study Subject 5


Examination regulations, assessment and grading

The University applies cumulative grading in order to ensure objective evaluation, active students’ participation during the semester and their ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. Cumulative grading final evaluation consists of interim course assignments (test, individual work, paper, laboratory work defence, and etc.) and final exam grades. If the student fails the interim course assignments and does not make to transition grade−minimal grade of determined interim course assessments−he is not allowed to take the final exam. Each study programme is completed by defending final thesis (project) and (or) taking final exams.

A ten-point grading system is used at the University. Knowledge is assessed in the following marks

Pass/fail systemKU grade*Definition
Pass10 (excellent)excellent performance, outstanding knowledge and skills
9 (very good)strong performance, good knowledge and skills
8 (good)above the average performance, knowledge and skills
7 (highly satisfactory)average performance, knowledge and skills with unessential shortcomings
6 (satisfactory)below average performance, knowledge and skills with substantial shortcomings
5 (sufficient)knowledge and skills meet minimum criteria
Fail4, 3, 2, 1 (insufficient)knowledge and skills do not meet minimum criteria / below minimum criteria

Graduation requirements

Undergraduate and master student’s knowledge, skills and abilities, indicated in the study programme description, are examined and evaluated during the public defence of his Final thesis. Final thesis by its nature can be scientific research or scientific-applied. Final thesis is analytical work based on independent scientific or applied research. A Bachelor’s thesis comprises 12 credits; Master’s thesis comprises 30 credits in the study programme of 120 credits or 24 credits in the study programme of 90 credits. Final thesis and its defence is to demonstrate student’s creativity and the ability to critically evaluate theoretical and practical innovations, as well as others’ previously carried out researches and their results; to indicate student’s knowledge in social and commercial environment, legislation, and financial capacity; to show information sourcing and its qualified analysis skills, computational methods and specialized software and general-purpose information technologies using skills, as well as the ability to clearly and correctly orally or in written present their research results and (or) product designed to different audiences.

Final thesis is defended publicly in front of the Study Field Qualification Committee approved by the Rector. All members of the Qualification Committee evaluate the final thesis and its defence in separate grades in ten-point grading system. Weighted coefficient of defended grade is up to 0.2. The final grade is the arithmetic average of the grades given by the Qualification Committee members, rounded to the nearest whole number.

Mode of study


Programme director or equivalent

Dr. Jūratė Ruškė

Department of Social Work