"12 MAPAS" exhibition at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

  • 2023-11-30 | Thursday 17:00 h.

30 November at 5pm everyone is welcome to join the opening of an exhibition “Europa: 12 mapas y un proyecto”, initiated by the Embassy of Spain in Vilnius.
The opening will take place at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, second floor hall.

“Europa: 12 mapas y un proyecto” is an exhibition about some cartographic representations of a space endowed with a certain identity. However, what is that identity? What is Europe? A continent? A geographical reality? A political community? All of this and much more. Europe is the result of a historical process that reaches ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, Christianity, the Enlightenment, the expansion of the West, world wars and a thousand other events. Maps, eyes of history, show scenes and figures of what have been their battles, their pacts, their populations, their cities. Maps are like portraits of countries, their territories and their inhabitants. There is no definitive map, just as there is no definitive portrait. Each one describes a series of phenomena or relates a succession of events, but none exhausts them. The maps express what their authors were looking for in space and how they represented it. They tell us about what we were or what we thought we were. With this exhibition, the National Library of Spain joins the initiatives of the Government of Spain aimed at making known not only what Europe has been and continues to be, but also what it ceased to be and yet continues to be there, in its past and on their maps.

The exhibition will be available at the faculty till 14 December 2023.