• Klaipeda University
  • 25 October 2024

Klaipeda University becomes the New National Center for the Baltic University Programme in Lithuania

After a lengthy selection process, Klaipeda University (KU) received exciting news—it will become the new national center for the Baltic University Programme (BUP) in Lithuania, as decided by the international BUP board.

There are a total of 10 BUP national centers, whose main activities focus on gathering, informing, and effectively guiding educators, researchers, and students to participate in international scientific research and other initiatives. Twice a year, meetings of the BUP center leaders are held to discuss coordination of activities.

"BUP is a program that unites universities in the Baltic region, and Klaipėda University is actively involved in its activities. This new achievement and international recognition are very important for the university. University's research activities are directly aligned with BUP's goals: sustainable development of the Baltic Sea region and the promotion of education and research," says KU rector Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas.

The national BUP center in Lithuania will be led by Dr. Eduardas Spiriajevas, head of KU’s Department of Social Geography and Tourism, with Prof. Dr. Daiva Labanauskaitė, head of KU’s Department of Economics, serving as deputy. Communication and administration will be managed by A. Timonina-Mickevičienė.

This is not the first recognition for Klaipeda University within the Baltic University Programme. Projects from participants in the summer camps "Science and Sail," organized by KU over the past two years, received high accolades, garnering excellent feedback from partners and students.

The Baltic University Programme is one of the largest university cooperation programs in the world, involving 116 universities in the Baltic Sea region that collaborate in education and research areas related to the sustainable development of the region.

Klaipeda University takes over the coordination of BUP in Lithuania from Kaunas University of Technology and will lead the national center for at least three years.


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