• Klaipeda University
  • 09 October 2024

Klaipėda University’s importance to be enshrined in the new Statutes

The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania has approved the new Statutes of Klaipėda University (KU). The document, which is significant for the University community, not only stated its autonomy and significance in the context of the advancement of science and studies as well as the promotion of culture in Lithuania, emphasized its leadership in the fields of regional policy and the sea, but also established a new trend for the University’s breakthroughs in health and medical sciences as well as studies.

The new Statutes emphasize that the University, together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, becoming a partner of Klaipėda University Hospital enables the academic community of the University to fully participate in the management of KU Hospital, which is a provider of personal healthcare services at all levels, and to carry out relevant studies as well as scientific research together.

“It’s a bit disappointing that for many years no decisive steps have been taken to adopt the new Statutes of KU. It’s not just a formal, legal document. Its significance is far more important, as it states the University’s autonomy, clearly outlines the guidelines and perspectives for future development, and opens up new opportunities for development. I sincerely thank all those, who have contributed to the creation of this document, which is necessary for the University and which raises the quality bar even higher. On behalf of the University community, I would like to thank the members of the Seimas, who had no doubts that Klaipėda University must be an autonomous center of science, education, and innovation, adding value to the whole of western Lithuania and being significant for its international innovations in the Baltic Sea region,” said Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas, the Rector of KU. His thoughts were supported by Arnoldas Šileika, Chairman of KU Council and CEO of the West Shipyard Group.

“The Statutes are the constitution of the University. This important document defines the mission of the academic institution, establishes its structure, regulates its activities and governance. The modern world is characterized by its dynamicity and constant changes, which must be responded to, and the updated Statutes will contribute to the progress of the University’s science and studies as well as to the increase of its competitiveness,” emphasized A. Šileika.

In recent years, KU has gained momentum, starting the 2024-2025 academic year with a significantly higher number of students. Enrolments are around 40% higher than in the previous academic year. This is the third consecutive year for this number to maintain an upward trend.

KU started the new academic year marked by record growth with ambitious plans to further develop the infrastructure needed for academic activities. The newly prepared investment project for the development of KU Academic Campus donated to the University by Limarko Group has outlined a roadmap for how the infrastructure could be developed in the near future and what new opportunities would be open to the academic community. A new University dormitory will soon be under construction, and the first steps have been taken towards a new sports complex. Plans include a new laboratory block, a simulation center for the Faculty of Health Sciences, and a media center.


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