
Research Addressing Global Challenges Related to:
LT: vandens ištekliai; vandens telkinių užterštumas; vandens užterštumo sprendimo būdai; jūros ir gėlųjų vandenų ekosistemų funkcionavimas ir atsikūrimas; jūrinės aplinkos stebėsena; nauji teršalai
EN: marine resources; aquatic resources; pollution of water bodies; functioning and recovery of marine and freshwater ecosystems; marine environment monitoring; emerging pollutants
For more information, please review Research groups | Klaipeda University or contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Materials and Structural Research
Our services are designed for manufacturing companies seeking to investigate the mechanical properties (such as strength, flexibility, and ductility), operational characteristics (such as durability), and other attributes of structural materials planned for or already used in technological processes.
Depending on the client’s needs, we employ both standard testing equipment (for tensile, compression, and bending tests) and advanced, research-based analytical methods grounded in scientific expertise. Our investigations cover a wide range of modern structural materials, including both metallic and non-metallic materials (plastics, wood, ceramics, glass, rubber, and heat-resistant materials), as well as structural and functional composites.
LT: konstrukcinės medžiagos, kompozicinės medžiagos, kompozitai, struktūrinės kompozicinės medžiagos, funkcinės kompozicinės medžiagos, daugiafunkciniai kompozitai, funkcinės medžiagos, medžiagų mechaninės savybės, tempimo bandymai, lenkimo bandymai, gniuždymo bandymai, ciklinio patvarumo bandymai; termo sendinimas, UV sendinimas, higroterminis sendinimas, polimerų tyrimai, polimerinių medžiagų tyrimai ir bandymai
EN: structural materials, composite materials, mechanical properties of materials, tensile test, fatigue test
For more information, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Services for the Development, Implementation, and Market Introduction of High-Value-Added Products
Our R&D services are designed for manufacturing companies that are introducing or planning to introduce high-value-added products to the market. Based on the client’s request, the services can cover Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 1–6:
LT: MTEP veiklos, neapibrėžtumai, temos mokslinis pagrindimas, Frascati
EN: R&D activities, uncertainties, scientific justification of the topic, Frascati
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
To order a service or request further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Consulting on the Preparation of R&D Projects for EU Financial Support
Our services are designed for manufacturing companies conducting or planning to conduct R&D activities. We provide consultations on the R&D section of project proposals, including:
We also offer guidance on preparing applications for competitive funding programs administered by CPVA, LVPA, and other agencies.
LT: MTEP veiklos, neapibrėžtumai, temos mokslinis pagrindimas, Frascati
EN: R&D activities, uncertainties, scientific justification of the topic, Frascati
Consultation fee: €30 per hour (excl. VAT).
To request a service or obtain more details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Development and Research of Energy-Efficient Systems and Energy Converters
Our services are designed for companies operating in the fields of electricity supply, distribution, and electronics, focusing on the development and enhancement of technological solutions. We offer:
LT: Elektros mašinos, energetinis efektyvumas, elektronikos sistemos, elektronikos sistemų valdymas, elektros tinklų sistemos, elektros pavarų tyrimai, energetinio efektyvumo tyrimai ir paslaugos, atsinaujinanti energetika.
EN: Electrical machines, energy efficiency, electronic systems, control of electronic systems, power grid systems, electric drive research, energy efficiency research and services, renewable energy.
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
For service requests or further information, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Implementation of Waste Reduction and Energy Efficiency Solutions
This service is designed for manufacturing companies seeking to:
Our goal is to promote the use of renewable and environmentally friendly raw materials and implement smart and sustainable processes. The service employs advanced tools, including:
LT: žiedinė ekonomika, tvarus išteklių valdymas, energetinis efektyvumas, atsinaujinantys energijos ištekliai
EN: circular economy, sustainable resource management, energy efficiency, renewable energy resources
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
For service requests or further information, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Energy and Fuel Production Using Biomass and/or Waste, Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Research
This service is designed for industrial companies. In chemistry and fuel research laboratories, studies on the production and blending of alternative fuels are conducted.
The goal of the proposed scientific research is to evaluate the feasibility of using products derived from various waste materials to blend fuels.
LT: biodegalai, degalų komponavimas, biorafinavimas, biomasė, atliekos
EN: biofuels, blende, biorefining, advanced fuels, biomass, waste
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
For service requests or further information, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Air Pollution and Emissions Research
This service is designed for industrial and transport sector companies, environmental organizations, and municipalities aiming to reduce environmental pollution, comply with environmental regulations, and explore innovative measures to improve air quality.
Using advanced technologies, researchers from Klaipeda University offer studies in the following areas:
LT: oro taršos matavimai, oro emisijos, taršos tyrimai, taršos matavimai, šleifo sklaida, teršalų transformacijos, oro kokybė
EN: air pollution measurements, air emissions, pollution research, pollution measurements, plume dispersion, pollutant transformations, air quality
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
For service requests or further information, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Navigational Safety Research and Shipping Route Parameter Determination
Our services are designed for port authorities, terminals, and safe shipping administrations. Using the SimFlex Navigator simulator, we conduct research, develop new evaluation methods, and provide recommendations for optimizing port approaches and internal navigational channels.
LT: navigaciniai kanalai, uostai, saugi laivyba
EN: navigation channels, ports, safe shipping
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Ship Maneuvering Parameter Research and Preparation of Maneuvering Elements Information
Our services are designed for ship owners and operators. Using the SimFlex Navigator simulator, we conduct research on the maneuvering characteristics of ships, utilizing optimal systems, and prepare maneuvering elements information that complies with the SOLAS-74 convention requirements.
LT: laivas, manevriniai elementai
EN: ship, maneuvering elements
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Port Terminal Emissions Research
This service is designed for port authorities and terminals. Using the SimFlex Navigator, we evaluate the size of emissions generated and provide recommendations for reducing emissions.
LT: uostas, terminalas, emisijos
EN: port, terminal, emission
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Ship Energy and Power Conversion Research
This service is designed for shipbuilding, repair, and operation companies, ship equipment and technology developers, and energy companies aiming to reduce their environmental impact, increase efficiency, and implement innovative fuel solutions. Researchers from Klaipėda University offer research in the following areas:
LT: Laivų jėgainės, laivų jėgainių tyrimai, energetiniai tyrimai, ekologiniai tyrimai, kuro efektyvumas, degalų analizė, SGD tyrimai, SND tyrimai, alternatyvūs degalai, kuro ekologija, chematologinė analizė, kuro sprendimai, laivų energetika
EN: Ship power plants, ship power plant research, energy research, ecological research, fuel efficiency, fuel analysis, LNG research, LPG research, alternative fuels, fuel ecology, hematological analysis, fuel solutions, ship energy
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Hydromechanical Equipment and Process Research
Our services are designed for shipbuilding, design, repair, and maintenance companies focusing on optimizing ship operations by reducing operational costs while enhancing safety and efficiency. Using hydrojet technology, researchers from Klaipeda University offer research in the following areas:
LT: hidrodinaminiai tyrimai, laivų korpusai, skysčių dinamika, hidro-objektų tyrimai, laivų modeliavimas
EN: hydrodynamic research, ship hulls, fluid dynamics, hydro-object research, ship modeling
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Antiviral Disinfection Technology and its Application for Passenger Protection from COVID-19 and Other Viruses in Public Transport
This service aims to implement a technical system using short-wave UV 222nm radiation to disinfect the air and surfaces in public spaces, specifically in:
Such disinfection significantly reduces or completely eliminates the risk of passengers contracting COVID-19 and other viral infections.
LT: apsauga nuo SARS-CoV-2 virusų ir jų modifikacijų, 222 nm bangos ilgio ultravioletinių spindulių technologijos ir techninės sistemos, 222 nm bangos ilgio UV spinduliuotės technologija ir techninės sistemos
EN: virus SARS-COV-2 inactivation, effectiveness of 222nm UV radiation for protecting passengers against SARS-CoV-2 virus; assessing the suitability for disinfection of city bus cabins
The cost of services depends on the scope of work and contract terms.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email atinovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Human Motor Skills Laboratory Research
This service is designed for residents of Klaipėda city and the Klaipėda region of various ages. Using innovative laboratory equipment, we offer testing and research in the areas of:
LT: fizinio išsivystymo, fizinio pajėgumo ir fizinio parengtumo testavimas
EN: physical development, physical fitness and physical readiness testing
Testing price for one person: 50 EUR (includes 5 tests). Results analysis: 20 EUR.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email atinovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Supervision – Professional Relationship Research
This service is intended for specialists in fields such as social security and labor, education, health care, culture, business, and others. Supervision provides consultative support to professionals, managers, teams, and organizations that wish to improve their work and efficiency. It is particularly useful when facing complex workplace situations that do not resolve on their own. The supervisor helps to look at the situation from an external perspective, identify problems, and participants learn how to resolve them independently.
LT: procesas, refleksija, profesinis santykis, konfliktai, sprendimas, profesinis perdegimas
EN: process, reflection, professional relationship, conflicts, decision, professional burnout
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email atinovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Assessment of the Physical and Functional Capacity of Athletes
The service is designed for athletes and sports organizations to assess an individual's physical and functional capacity. The assessment consists of individual evaluations of physical and functional fitness, which include 5 tests and a consultation:
LT: sportuojančių asmenų fizinio ir funkcinio pajėgumo vertinimas, kineziterapeuto konsultacija
EN: assessment of the physical and functional capacity of sports persons, consultation of a physiotherapist
70 EUR per person.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email atinovacijos@ku.lt. We will respond within two working days.
Business Data Analysis, Visualization, and Recommendations
The service is designed for business organizations and business consulting companies. Business organizations accumulate large amounts of data but often fail to analyze them, which leads to suboptimal business decisions. Using the analytics software "Tableau", the organization's business (marketing) data will be analyzed, visualizations will be created, and insights will be provided to support decision-making for organizational improvements.
LT: Didžiųjų duomenų analizė, Tableau.
EN: Big Data Analytics, Tableau.
The price depends on the complexity of the task, ranging from 50 EUR to 100 EUR per hour of work.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Educational Institution Data Research
This service is aimed at educational institutions, and organizations that implement and manage educational policies. Research is conducted, and data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted in relation to student achievements, social-demographic trends, the effectiveness of the education process, and more. Based on data analysis, researchers can help develop management models, identify trends, and areas for improvement.
LT: mokinių pasiekimai, ugdymo procesas, ugdymo proceso efektyvumas
EN: learners‘ achievements, learning process improvement.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Project Proposal Preparation and Funding Search for Educational Institutions and NGOs
This service is intended for educational institutions and NGOs. We offer consultations on funding opportunities, formulating project ideas, justifying the ideas, filling out applications, preparing budgets, and creating additional documents.
LT: švietimo įstaigų ES finansavimas, projektinė veikla, paraiška finansavimui gauti ugdymo įstaigoje
EN: EU financing for education, project work, project application for financing in an educational institution
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Methodological-Scientific Support, Counseling for Preschool and Pre-Primary Education Institutions
This service is designed for preschool and pre-primary education teachers, leaders of preschool institutions, and parents. We offer individual and group counseling and methodological support for preschool and pre-primary education teachers, heads of preschool institutions, and parents on topics related to child development, organizing education, creating a supportive learning environment, preschool institution management, teamwork, and other relevant matters.
LT: metodinė-mokslinė pagalba ikimokyklinėse įstaigose, vaiko pažinimas, vaiko ugdymo/si organizavimas, ugdymo aplinka, ikimokyklinės ugdymo įstaigos vadyba, komandinis darbas
EN: methodological-scientific support for pre-educational institutions, management in the pre-educational institution, educational environment, counseling for pre-educational communities, and teamwork in the education process
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Applied Research for Educational Institutions
This service is designed for educational institutions. Custom research is conducted based on the specific needs of the institutions. Possible research topics include: social and pedagogical assessment of the school environment, bullying prevention, ensuring equal opportunities, leadership development, organizing technology-based and STEAM education, and more.
LT: mokyklos aplinka, taikomieji tyrimai mokykloje, pedagoginis vertinimas, patyčių prevencija, lygių galimybių užtikrinimas, lyderystė, STEAM ugdymas, edukacinės technologijos
EN: school environment applied research in a school, pedagogical assessment, bullying prevention, equal opportunities, leadership at school, STEAM education, educational technologies
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Customer Experience Analysis (CEA) - From Strategy to Implementation
This service is designed for service-providing organizations. It offers customer experience analysis (CEA), development of customer experience strategies, and implementation monitoring. A smooth customer experience not only has a positive impact on customer satisfaction and retention but also influences the organization’s revenue and generates positive recommendations for other clients.
LT: CEA, Kliento patirtis, kliento patirties analizė, kliento patirties strategija
EN: customer experience, customer experience analysis, customer experience strategy
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Consulting and Mentoring on Cluster Creation
This service is designed for businesses, institutions, and universities. It offers consulting services on cluster evaluation and cluster creation.
LT: klasteris, klasterizacija,klasterio kūrimas
EN: cluster, clusterization, cluster creation
Price - 35 EUR per hour.
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Consulting on Project Application Preparation for EU Financial Support
This service is aimed at both individuals and legal entities, offering consultations on funding opportunities, project idea formulation, idea justification, application filling, budget creation, and preparation of additional documents.
LT: projektai, projektinė paraiška, projektų rašymas, konsultacijos, ES investicijos
EN: projects, project application, project writing, consultations, EU investments
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Business Stability Assessment Using Economic and Financial Analysis Indicators
This service is aimed at business enterprises. The product of the business evaluation service is a conclusion about the current state of the business, its prospects, and the expected market value, based on the use of financial, accounting, economic, technical, and other data from various sources. This conclusion is provided to the client in a written evaluation report.
LT: verslo stabilumas, verslo kaita, verslo galimybės, tvarumas
EN: business stability, business change, business opportunities, sustainability
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Establishing Sustainable Development Goals and Social Responsibility for Organizations, Research, Recommendations
This service is designed for organizations engaged in any field of activity. The service aims to establish sustainable development indicators for specific areas of the organization, providing a methodology to calculate whether the organization is being developed sustainably. The service provider will offer corporate social responsibility recommendations and assess the potential for sustainable leadership within the organization.
LT: darnus organizacijų vystymas, įmonių socialinė atsakomybė
EN: sustainable development of organizations, corporate social responsibility
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Organizational Culture Research
This service is designed for organizations engaged in any field of activity. It involves conducting organizational culture research within the organization using a unique, developed methodology. The service helps organizations discover the organizational culture that is most suitable for them, one that strengthens members' value propositions, fosters innovation, and unites employees towards achieving organizational goals. The service provider will offer recommendations on how to change the organizational culture to reduce employee resistance and assist in developing a suitable organizational culture.
LT: organizacinė kultūra, organizacinės kultūros vertinimas ir metodika, organizacinės kultūros kūrimas
EN: organizational culture, assessment, methodology, development
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Sociological Research Organization and Consultation
This service is designed for public administration institutions, tourism and cultural centers, and non-governmental organizations. The service offers consultations on organizing public opinion surveys, ensuring their quality, budget structure, sample size, and possibilities for data usage. The service also includes organizing public opinion surveys, preparing research plans, programming questionnaires, organizing data collection, analyzing collected data, preparing reports, and formulating expert conclusions. The service also covers organizing group and individual interviews, including research planning, preparing interview guidelines, organizing data collection (for focus group discussions—both online and on-site), analyzing interview data, preparing reports, and formulating expert conclusions.
LT: visuomenės nuomonės apklausa; fokusuota grupinė diskusija; interviu; apklausa internetu; kokybinė duomenų analizė
EN: public opinion polls; surveys; focus groups; interview;; qualitative analysis
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Archaeological Research in Immovable Cultural Heritage Areas
Archaeological research is carried out upon request from private and public entities in immovable cultural heritage areas where such research is mandatory (e.g., old towns, mounds, ancient settlements, estates, etc.) during design, construction, and other land modification works. The service includes preparing an archaeological research project, obtaining the necessary permits to conduct the research, performing fieldwork applying the highest professional standards and methodologies, and preparing any other required documentation.
LT: archeologiniai tyrimai, kultūros paveldo tyrimai, nekilnojamasis kultūros paveldas, piliakalnių tyrimai, archeologinių tyrimų projektas, piliakalnių tyrimai
EN: archaeological research, cultural heritage research, immovable cultural heritage, mound research, archaeological research project, mound research
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Underwater Archaeological Research in Seas and Inland Waters
Underwater archaeological research is conducted upon request from private and public entities in underwater immovable cultural heritage sites, where such research is mandatory during design, construction, and other underwater ground modification works.
Underwater archaeological surveys (search for new sites) and archaeological excavations are carried out using the latest technologies and methodologies.
LT: archeologiniai tyrimai, povandeniniai archeologiniai tyrimai, povandeninė archeologija, povandeninio kultūros paveldo tyrimai, povandeniniai tyrimai statybos projektuose
EN: archaeological research, underwater archaeological research, underwater archaeology, underwater cultural heritage research, underwater research in construction projects
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Consulting on Archaeological Research
Consultation on the investigation and management of archaeological and historical cultural heritage sites, including the assessment of the necessity for archaeological research.
LT: archeologinio paveldo konsultavimas, istorinių kultūros paveldų tyrimai, paveldo būtinybės įvertinimas
EN: archaeological heritage consulting, historical cultural heritage research, heritage necessity assessment
To request a service or obtain further details, please contact us via email at inovacijos@ku.lt . We will respond within two working days.
Answers to your questions
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