Strukčinskienė, Birutė
Main Affiliation | Count |
176 |
Prof. Dr. Birute Strukcinskiene, MD, PhD. Head of the Department of Public Health at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipeda University (Klaipeda, Lithuania); Vice-President of Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion section at the European Association of Public Health (EUPHA).
Professor of Public Health and Chief Researcher at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipeda University, Lithuania. Medical Doctor, PhD in Biomedicine - Public Health, pediatric trauma surgeon. Author and co-author of over 170 publications and 10 books/textbooks. Experienced in the global and European WHO projects on Child Injury Prevention, Child Injuries at Home, Safe Communities, WHO TEACH-VIP; twice awarded by the WHO for the scientific and practical contribution. Winner of the main prizes at the European Public Health Conference in Milan, and the European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion in Vienna. Study and research visits to the health and safety institutions in the US and Europe. Presenter, moderator, and scientific committee member of the World and European events on injury prevention and safety promotion, child health and safety, and Safe Communities; Observer/Steering Committee Member of the European Safe Community Network (ESCON) and the East-South European Safe Community Network. Review Editor of the Frontiers in Public Health; Executive Editor and Reviewer at 15 scientific journals. Former ORPHEUS Executive Committee member; Coordinator of the 12th ORPHEUS Conference (Lithuania), hosted by the Klaipeda University. Teaching subjects: Public Health, Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Children and Young People Health, First Aid, Social Medicine, Healthy Lifestyle.
Knows Language | Spoken | Written |
Lietuvių / Lithuanian (lt) | Gimtoji / Native | Gimtoji / Native |
Anglų / English (en) | Labai gerai / Very good | Labai gerai / Very good |
Lenkų / Polish (pl) | Labai gerai / Very good | Gerai / Good |
Rusų / Russian (ru) | Labai gerai / Very good | Labai gerai / Very good |
Vokiečių / German (de) | Pagrindai / Basics | Pagrindai / Basics |