Župerkienė, Erika
Main Affiliation | Count |
62 |
Prof. dr. Erika Župerkienė, is a management researcher, whose scientific interests are: human resource management, CSR, leadership, entrepreneurship, and resilience. Over 60 works have been published in 20 years of career, including 5 books, 3 parts of books, 1 project research report, 34 articles, and 20 conference reports. She finished her Ph.D. (2008) in social sciences (management). Active academic activity: teaches management subjects at the master's and bachelor's degrees of management, participates in the doctoral process and is the supervisor of dissertations. She is constantly invited to give lectures at foreign universities not only under the Erasmus exchange program, but also as a guest lecturer at universities in Latvia, Germany, and previously in Kazakhstan. Has experience in expert activities: Lithuanian Science Prizes 2022. competition, 2019 best dissertation competition, Evaluation expert of the intended study program. Competences necessary for expert activity have been accumulated while working as vice dean for research and development of the Faculty of Social Sciences, member of the VIII Senate of Klaipėda University, chairperson of the Business and Public Management study group and Committee of the Economics Committee, as well as chairperson of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. She is a member of scientific borders of 3 different scientific journals, Deputy Editor of the journal "Regional Formation and Development Studies", and a member of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA). The members of the Association seek to improve the quality of educational research on educational development and educational progress.
Knows Language | Spoken | Written |
Lietuvių / Lithuanian (lt) | Gimtoji / Native | Gimtoji / Native |
Anglų / English (en) | Gerai / Good | Gerai / Good |
Vokiečių / German (de) | Pagrindai / Basics | Pagrindai / Basics |
Rusų / Russian (ru) | Gerai / Good | Gerai / Good |